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Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

Working Out with Exercise Weights

Working Out with Exercise Weights

An excellent way in which to increase your fitness, cardio, strength and muscle mass is to workout with exercise weights. Exercise weights are weights which you can hold in your hands, that whilst not being too heavy, provide your muscles with great stimulation when exercising, which then aids you in fitness and overall strength.

The exercise weights I personally use are a pair of dumbbells which weigh 2.5kg each. With these dumbbells, there are many exercises which can be performed, and which aid you in your fitness greatly. For example, if you grab the dumbbells, so you’re holding one in each hand, and then you do start jumps. As you do these star jumps, your arms flail out to the sides, but you make sure your in full control of your arms, and therefore the dumbbells at all times, therefore challenging your body as much as possible.

Another exercise which can be performed with these are to box whilst running on the spot. The idea is that you run on the spot, and at the same time throw straight punches, one after the other, whilst gripping onto the dumbbells with your hands. Personally, I prefer to do these types of exercises accompanied with music, as it helps me to take my mind of things, allows me to focus, and at the same time the rhythm of the song playing in the background allows me to find a rhythm with which to flow.

These are just two of the ways in which you can workout using exercise weights, or dumbbells. One thing to note however is that Rome wasn’t built in a day. By that I mean, if you’re a beginner, you need to start of slow and work your way up. Don’t immediately pick up the heaviest dumbbell with which to workout with, start gradually and work your way up, or else you could be risking yourself a serious injury.

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