Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems

Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

Work Online From Home: Comfort and Ease

Work Online From Home: Comfort and Ease

Ease and comfort, work online from home.

Working online from home has its positives and negatives, but to be completely honest it is the only way I choose to make a living. When I I have the ability to not only take care of my family, but I know that my financial destiny is within my hands. I choose how much I make from day to day, and I know that as I work online from home I gain the ability and skills I need to increase my personal wealth.

First let me talk about the ease of working online from home. A normal day for me is waking up (generally around 10-11 AM) and checking the jobs that are available for me (whether survey, ghostwriting, or ad placement). After I check the jobs I check my stats for the many web based businesses I run. This is generally done within the span of about 30 minutes.

Imagine logging into your job from home seated in your favorite chair. Imagine setting your own breaks or time away from the job to spend with your family. Think about how you will feel when you know that not only do you work online from home, but you are able to provide a full time income for them working only part time.


I can remember cubicles and how I would feel every morning as I woke up to make my 45 minute commute. I can remember pulling up to the job looking at the dungeon, I mean building where I worked. Dealing with the same nasty manager, attitude filled co-workers, and corporate culture that equated to a modest living riddled with debt.

Yea, I was that guy. There was no comfort there. There was no peace there. Only more work and toil. I had many days where I just wanted to give it all up. Was it easy to do the job I did? No. Did I get paid for my stress? Not nearly enough. Have you ever felt like that before? Well start taking control of your life and look at other options today.

Many people ask me to make recommendations. I would first refer you to my guide above. Also, I would recommend using the resources I refer you to as they can help you find a job that is right for you. I only want you to succeed at what you do, and if working from home sounds interesting definitely look into the subject further.

My memories are long and plenty, but most of them now are at least pleasant. I control my time now. That to me is one of the most important things about trying to work online from home. If you would like to work online from home definitely look further into that subject. It is always good to know what you are getting into before beginning.

But I will say this. The freedom I received is so much better then when I worked full time for part time pay. You too can work online from home.

If you would like to check out how to start a career from home, I recommend checking out this resource: , it is an excellent resource on the different careers you will find when you work online from home.

Never give up on your dreams, all things are possible if you believe. Learn more about Work at Home Employment by clicking the link.

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