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Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

Why is money being spent on killing Iraqi’s when the money could help millions in our country?

Question by : Why is money being spent on killing Iraqi’s when the money could help millions in our country?
Take time and think about this. The war in Iraq is pretty much pointless. Some of you beg to differ, so speak your mind. I’m just saying, the billions of dollars could be spent on helping starving, sick, and poor people in our country, and not killing people in another country. The money could our country and maybe another country. Anyway, I think you guys get my point.

Best answer:

Answer by rhsaunders
How quickly we forget. Remember 9/11? One might prefer not to see a repeat of that. If Taliban and al Qaeda take over there, we will be no better off than with Afghanistan as it was before 9/11.

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