Why do people play out of their league and then get mad when that person doesn’t go for it?
Question by Nate: Why do people play out of their league and then get mad when that person doesn’t go for it?
i get hit on quite a bit by people whom are far less attractive than i am. while i get that you want to take a shot, how can you get mad at the person for not being interested? now while i am not saying that i am the most beautiful man on earth, i am a good looking guy. even i know that i’d be wasting my time hitting on someone like megan fox (even though she is a terrible actress). even if i did get her, it’d be a pain in the a$ $ to keep her. you just have to figure that they are going to say no and move on.
twice this past week i got hit on by women who were north of 200 pounds and straight white trash. when i politely let them down, they responded with “what you think you’re too good for us?”. well, in this case, yes. you knew i was going to say no before you asked, why pursue it? especially given the setting. they were the patient and friend of mine whom i was seeing in the er. so to recap: two girls over 200lbs, hadn’t bathed in at least two days, and white trash. i am 5’10 200lbs (but with a 31″ waist), hold 3 degrees, have worked as a model, and already have a wife.
seriously 2s go with 2, 3s with 3s, and so on… money can move you up one and alcohol can bridge the gap for a couple hours. that’s it. now some of you will try and attack me, but that just means that you are self conscious or are projecting. the truth burns a bit sometimes.
trust me apple, what they were saying to me was not even possible to construe as friendship.
Best answer:
Answer by Applehunter
Perhaps what you consider to be hitting on you is merely them trying to be friendly, so when you reject them you are infact rejecting their friendship.
Which would pretty much make you seem like a cold, callous b!tch in their eyes.
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