Where are the best places to look for online affiliate marketers?
Question by Steffan A: Where are the best places to look for online affiliate marketers?
Currently working for a company in Birmingham developing their sales strategy.
I’m considering routes to market for a fantastic software product that’s got some great clients already, but needs to find a larger-scale way of finding new customers.
It’s a software-as-a-service product which I think could work well for affiliate online marketing. But I’ve never used this approach myself before, does anyone have any tips for appointing affiliate marketers, any directories they can recommend, people they’ve used successfully before etc.?
Best answer:
Answer by Gasudsaui
lets see,. you want to start affiliate marketing. let me tell you that this aint easy.
first of all i dont know what your software-as-a-service is,..in which catorgory does it belong?
keep in mind that you must give a % per sale to the site owner. and most of the good money making affiliate programs are full, unless your willing to give a good % . and you product must attract their users.
most affiliates are used in the online porn industry ,. with weight loss and manhood enlargers
i don’t know what your product is, but my gut-feeling tells me that you need a diffrent approach than affiliating
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