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By - Philip Harman

What vitamins and minerals for a healthy life?

Question by Mk: What vitamins and minerals for a healthy life?
I excercise and study very hard. I dont get to have a healthy meal so I guess im lacking some important nutrients in my diet. However, Im taking in a lot of protein.
I hope to get some tablets from the pharmacy.

What vitamins, minerals, calcium, iron, etc will I need?

(for example, will i need a lot of Vit B complex?)
Im a 22 year old male.

Best answer:

Answer by Tony
What is your age? Generally you may want to take a multivitamin pill a day will be ok (Try Centrum).
Note that word Vitamin came from Vita: Vital and amin:amines. You need both water soluble and fat soluble vitamins and essential minerals. By having a variety of foods you will get them. Taking a lot of proteins will lead to a lot of nitrogen wastes from the digestion of protein intake. You make your liver & kidneys work more if you eat too much proteins.

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