What kind of work at home jobs are available?
Question by 2 young 2 understand: What kind of work at home jobs are available?
I obviously can’t have a job that would require me to deal with coworkers bc one of them is bound to piss me off. I end up going off on them and I get canned. However, if I work at home and I explode, it would be at home and not at a company. The problem is what work at home jobs are out there and how can I get them? I’m not considering self employment. I wanna be tied to a company. Plus, how hard is it to get hired at the company if I were fired for workplace violence against an inanimate object?
Oh and I almost 4got 2 mention. I was also fired for verbally abusing a coworker. Would the prospective employer care since I’ll be at home and not at their place of business?
Best answer:
Answer by tiger7377
Your problem is not that employees pissyou off … it’s your inability to work as a normal employee. If you were to eliminate your passion, your work may suffer, but when it comes to working with people … the only job that does not require that is unemployment.
FYI – if you get canned for having a verbal tirade — you will not get any unemployment benefits. I’d suggest you think long and hard before getting into any at-home business. It’s more hassle … and more Hustle.
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