what is the top best online ways or businesses to make money?
Question by danielj2220: what is the top best online ways or businesses to make money?
i am looking to make money online i do not mean the get rich schemes or pyramids, just a way to make money or a business i can join to make money from, like maybe a few hundred or so a week, not that thousands a week fake stuff. and if your going to say something about blogs and all that please tell me how to make money from doing that.
Best answer:
Answer by MReady thisday
There are many ways to make money online. You may decide you want to work part time by becoming an affiliate for a company online or creating your own website to sell products or provide a service or writing, drawing or graphic designing for people online and offline.
IDEA: Your Very Own Online store, To create an online store to sell your items like flowers, weddings, cards, jewellery, clothes, e-books or gaming etc , get a domain name and a hosting package for your shop. In the UK? Check out the 123-reg.co.uk to buy a domain name and get hosting. 1. Domain name – you’ll pay yearly for that. 2. Hosting is paid monthly. Prices always vary depending on the company you purchase from but are usually inexpensive. You can get a store from either Mrsite.com or Volusion.co.uk or Oscommerce.com are good ones. Mrsite is likeable.
IDEA 2. If you don’t sell products, sites like Cafepress (CP) and Zazzle can help you make loads of money. Zazzle and CP is a print-on-demand manufacturer that allows you to create, share and celebrate your unique interests and creativity. Your job is to produce photos, or designs on paper, upload them onto your Zazzle or CP shop given to you.
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