Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems

Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

What is a fast way to make a lot of money for kids?

Question by Emy G.: What is a fast way to make a lot of money for kids?
I have like $ 300.00, but I want to keep that in the bank while I make some fast money. I want like a lot of continuous money so that I can make more than I spend. But it can’t take too long.

Best answer:

Answer by FILE
Get a job, work and then act like you don’t work and put the check in the bank every week. If you do this the money will grow quickly. When you have enough then you can act like you work and spend. Too young to work, babysit, do chores for the elderly in the neighborhood, do housework for neighbors and yard work. Wash cars, do laundry, sell stuff at garage sale every week. Picl up bottles and cash them in. But really there is no sure fire way to make a lot of money and have a cash flow like you want without hard work. Good Luck,

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