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By - Philip Harman

What daily vitamins/supplements should a recovering bulimic take?

Question by DANCER4LIFE: What daily vitamins/supplements should a recovering bulimic take?
i am a stuggling to recover bulimic and i would like to help my body recover from the damage i have caused in the past 2 1/2 years. I havnt completely recoverd but im working on it and i was wondering what daily vitamins/supplements i could take to help my body in its recovering.

Best answer:

Answer by Jessica
take a multi-vitamin, omega-3 for hair/skin/nails, some iron supplements, and some anit-oxidants/vitamin C to help your mood. ignore the rude answers. Also, try to stay hydrated and get as much protien as you can. (fish, eggs, nuts, lean meat, ect) veggies & fruits will helps as well. i know it’s hard, but try not to binge. therefore stay away from all triggers because binging would pretty much waste taking the vitamins.

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