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Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

What are the benefits of Vitamin D?

Question by Allan: What are the benefits of Vitamin D?
My daughter doesn’t want to listen to me!

Best answer:

Answer by Ja L.
Vitamin D has many profound effects on your body.

We all know it strengthens bones but it does A LOT more than that according to the recent research results.

It fights cancer, boosts your immune system by increasing the targeted production of lymphocytes, reduces chances of getting diabetes, differentiates cells into different groups, prohibits tumors cells from getting out of control, acts strongly anti-inflammatory, decreases the chances of developing Multiple Sclerosis, fibromyalgia, etc

Remember sunscreen reduces the production of Vitamin D by 99.9% because it blocks off Ultraviolet Light B. UVB is what produces Vitamin D and EVERY CELL in your body has Vitamin D receptor so avoid putting sunscreen on. Getting sunshine 15 – 20minutes a day is good enough and don’t burn your skin(only between 10 am – 3 pm) Other times you don’t make much or none of Vitamin D. UVA is what causes skin cancer and interestingly enough, for the last three decades, people have been using more SUN SCREEN AND ARE GETTING MORE SKIN CANCER.

And if you live below South Carolina, You don’t make any Vitamin D from October to March.

I live in NY and I don’t make any Vitamin D from mid October to Late march because the angle of the Earth even though the sun is shining.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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