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By - Philip Harman

What are some Cardio And Aerobic Exercises?

Question by Juan: What are some Cardio And Aerobic Exercises?
Can you give me a list of good Cardio and aerobic exercises please. Will Cardio and Aerobic exercises help me lose my fat in my belly?

Best answer:

Answer by Kamran
Cardio is to do with the heart, so it will reduce cholesterol and it will reduce the fat in your belly. Doing these exercises will eventually reduce your tummy, but it is completely random to what parts of the body the fat is reduced when exercising.

Aerobic is usually related to Cardio as it means exercising involving breathing, such as running.

The opposite of Aerobic is Anaerobic and this doesn’t involve oxygen as much (like weight lifting).

A list includes:
-Raquet sports
-X-training machines
-Running up stairs

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