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Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

What are good money making ideas for a 13 year old girl?

Question by Random: What are good money making ideas for a 13 year old girl?
I am 13 years old and a girl and i need good money making ideas that actually work and that are safe… thanks!!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Caroline
Hey there!
In a few years, more than likely, you’ll find more opportunities to find work. But there’s always things you can do now to prepare yourself.
The most common thing to do is baby-sit for friends or family. You might also consider running errands for the older women in your church or community. You could also check with your local grocery store and see what age can you start bagging groceries for them. The store where I live is 14, but some may hire at 13. Good luck!

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