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By - Philip Harman

Vitamins Minerals And Dietary Supplements for Children

Vitamins Minerals And Dietary Supplements for Children

Dietary supplements are defined as products that supplement foods you eat and contain one or more dietary ingredient, such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, or amino acids. Usually they come in pill, capsule, or liquid form. Multi-vitamin supplements are probably the best known and most common type of supplement and are taken for promotion of good general health. Herbs are usually taken in support of specific bodily functions or systems.

General Benefits of Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Taking vitamins doesn’t make up for a poor diet, and vitamins and other nutrients found in foods are generally considered to be superior because of their synergistic interactions with other components of the foods. But deficiencies can keep the body from functioning at its best level, and can impair the ability of the body to heal itself and remain healthy. Ideally, nutrients should come from vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, but taking certain types of dietary supplements supplement can be a good safeguard measure. The safest choice is a daily multi-vitamin supplement.


Use of Supplements in Children

The use of one multi-vitamin per day is generally considered safe in children. While it is important for children to consume a variety of foods, taking a multi-vitamin can provide a consistent source of nutrients. The Harvard School of Public Health says that a daily vitamin, and perhaps a vitamin D supplement, can be a good way to ensure that children get the nutrition they need. Nutritional supplements for children are generally unnecessary beyond this, even if they are picky eaters.

It is important that parents who give their children a daily multi-vitamin continue to provide a variety of foods for their children and encourage them to try new foods. Dairy products, nuts, seeds, and healthy oils like olive oils and oils from fish are good foods to include in adults’ and children’s diets.

Bottom Line

The primary goal should be for children to acquire their nutritional needs through the foods they eat. But with picky eaters, and in families where schedules don’t permit tight control of meal menus, a daily multi-vitamin supplement with calcium and vitamin D can help serve as a back-up method to ensure that the child gets the nutrients he or she needs.

Girls, as they enter their teens, must ensure that they consume enough calcium to build up strong bones. Many multi-vitamins have calcium in them, and when added to regular consumption of high-calcium foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt, can ensure that teen girls get the calcium they need. Extra dietary supplements beyond this level are rarely needed, and not recommended.

Heather Hemmings – researching and commenting on health issues along with promoting quality nutrient and dietary supplements.

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