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Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

Vitamin water – are there any benefits?

Question by IamMARE: Vitamin water – are there any benefits?
I just want to know what the difference between “Vitamin Enhanced Water” and tap water are. I do drink quite a bit of water each day, but sometimes I just get bored with the flavor of water. I don’t really like bottled water – unless they are flavored with something – I think the filtering process takes out too much, and leaves the water with a flat, stale flavor.

The water I’m drinking now, has 10 calories per serving, 2 g. of Carbs, and 10% of my need E, B6, B12, and Niacin – but no Vit. C. Compared to my usual water additive – “4C Totally Light”, which has no carbs or Calories, and 100% Vit. C, No other vits., but that’s got other things that I don’t want.

I’m just trying to find a way to not get so bored with water.

Thanks in advance!
I do drink about 80oz a day, so I don’t need extra water, just trying to figure out if it’s really worth the extra $ .25 per bottle in the cafe at work.

Best answer:

Answer by bubblyboo
Nope, it’s all hype. No different that drinking natural tap water that already has minerals in it. Drink it for the flavor or colors though, whatever you gotta do to convince yourself to chug some down, I say go for it!

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