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By - Philip Harman

Vitamin D overdose Problems found by My Assignment Help & Custom Essay Help

Vitamin D overdose Problems found by My Assignment Help & Custom Essay Help

As mentioned earlier if people are exposed to sunlight for a longer time, there would be an equilibrium achieved between the generation and degradation of vitamin D, but it is not the case with vitamin D supplements (source: assignment help and custom essay help).


Excess intake of vitamin D can cause toxicity and high calcium level in blood (hypercalcemia).


The early symptoms to be noticed for excess of vitamin D are loss of appetite, nausea, high blood pressure, weakness and vomiting. Due to high calcium levels, there are increased chances of calcium deposit in kidneys, heart, lungs and blood vessels. According to assignment help tutors and experts, these deposits can result in the malfunctioning of kidney and kidney failure.

Sunshine Vs Fortified food the comparison by assignment help


Most common and effective source of vitamin D is natural sunlight as the skin synthesizes vitamin D in presence of UV B rays. Holick (2007) suggests that 5-30 minutes of sun exposure between 10AM to 3 PM, twice a week is enough to synthesize appropriate amount of Vitamin D (assignment help and custom essay help). The expose body parts could be legs, arms, face or back.


Complete cloud, shades or pollution can result in 50-60% blockage of UV energy.



In addition by assignment help and custom essay help decided, UVB radiation is not able to penetrate through glass and hence it is not recommended to sit inside glass room. Sunscreen with SPF (sunscreen protection factor) above 8 blocks the UVB; hence, one should be careful about the sunscreen application and vitamin D consumption.


However, there is equilibrium for the synthesis of vitamin D, but excess exposure to sunlight can result in other problems. Wolpowitz & Gilchrest (2006) have found out that UV radiation is carcinogen and causes skin cancer among individuals for custom essay help. The prolonged exposure also results in the dryness of skin demanding cosmetic surgery for cure.


As have been discussed, high usage of vitamin D fortified food will result in vitamin D toxicity and excess of deposits of calcium in liver resulting in fatal disorders (custom essay help). Hence, it is recommended that people should strike a balance between the consumption of food and exposure to sunlight regarding the intake of vitamin D (source: custom essay help). For example, dark skinned people and people who use veiled clothes should increase their vitamin intake though natural food and fortified food, as they are assignment help , unable to synthesize vitamin D with the help of UVB present in natural sunlight. For other people it is suggested that they should be aware with the time of day and intensity of UVB as found by assignment help writers, and then only should shed their clothes and bask in the sun.


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