Vegan: Can you help me with my vitamin/mineral chart? I am missing B 12 & Vit D?
Question by feelingrateful: Vegan: Can you help me with my vitamin/mineral chart? I am missing B 12 & Vit D?
calcium – broccoli
vitamin a – carrots, bananas
b1 – rice
b2 – green veggies
b6 – bananas, beans
b12- ????
vitamin c – haha i get a lot.. fruit, mostly berries, grapefruit, apples, oranges, etc. 🙂
vitamin d – ????
vitamin e – oils for my salads and nuts
folic acid – beans, green veggies
iron – green veggies, nuts
magnesium – green veggies
zinc – rice
Ok, i listed the vitamins & minerals… For the most part I know what else one is and when I eat something i know “oh this is a spinach leaf it is a good source of iron”.. but for vitamin D and b 12 i can’t think of anything that isn’t milk or meat…and since i’m vegan i’m out of ideas.
for the most part i eat: fruit in the morning (lots and lots of dates, apple, orange, then berries if i am still hungry).
salad (spinach leaves, tomato, carrots, peppers, basil with some sort of oil and nuts).
and then for dinner i’ll have something protein/carb (beans with rice is my favorite).
Best answer:
Answer by Nancy
For Vitamin D, eat the sun.
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