Top Calorie Burning Exercises
Top Calorie Burning Exercises
Just as healthy eating is important, exercising is equally essential to keeping yourself physically fit. Apart from burning calories, exercising will help to tone and build muscles and improve blood circulation. Many common ailments, such as back aches, can also be avoided by regular exercising. The best exercises will have a cardio as well as a toning aspect, which make the results visible faster.
Here are some exercises that will help you burn calories faster and lose weight quicker:
These exercises burn about 800 calories an hour. It targets mainly the hips and the legs and helps to tone these muscles. Doing these step aerobic exercises for an hour daily will ensure that results become visible within two weeks. You can split the one-hour long workout into two half-hour sessions.
Depending on how fast you cycle, you can burn anywhere between 500 to 1000 calories per hour. Riding a bicycle outdoors is always pleasant, but if there are time constraints, you can opt for a good quality exercising bicycle. This is possibly the best calorie buster as it is the easiest exercise.
This is again one of the best calorie burning exercises, burning up to 800 calories an hour. The best part is that it gives the whole body a complete workout.
Rowing is a wonderful way to burn calories and tone your arms. You can burn about 500 to 600 calories in an hour. Join your local rowing club, where you can row for free or try out the rowing machine in your gym.
This is a brilliant exercise as it gives a complete cardio workout. It burns about 600 calories in an hour and helps to tone the stomach and build muscles. You can split the one hour workout into ten minute bursts spread over the day.
Brisk walking apart from being a great cardio exercise also helps to tone hips, the stomach and legs. You can burn up to 360 calories an hour by just taking a brisk walk. Walking across hills, walking uphill or sprinting will increase the number of calories burnt. Moreover, walking can easily fit into your daily schedule and you don’t even need to buy any equipment.
GNGH has more than a decade’s experience in motivating and helping people attain their health and weight loss goals. Visit GNGH for more information on how you can enrich your health.