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By - Philip Harman

Top 3 Exercise Ball Workouts To Lose Belly Fat Quickly {Must Read}

Top 3 Exercise Ball Workouts To Lose Belly Fat Quickly {Must Read}

Looking for a way to get rid of the extra weight that’s conveniently placed on your midsection? And until now your doing crunches and sit-ups thinking that they are the best exercises to lose belly fat. You will be surprised to know that even doing hundreds of sit-ups a day you wouldn’t even get significant weight loss.

But before you even think of getting 6 pack abs, the first thing you should do is to reduce your carbohydrate and fat consumption. Once you have adjusted your diet then you can start thinking about exercising.

But before that you need to purchase a relatively inexpensive workout ball. Your primary targets should be the three sections of your abs muscles. These are the rectus abdominis, responsible for that sexy 6 pack look, the transverse abdominis which are on the sides, and the external obliques which are also located near the sides of the torso.


Now you may think that since you have an exercise ball right now your sit-ups would be even more effective. The truth is you can do sit-up after sit-up and still would not get your desired results. You need to first learn the proper way to contract the abdominal muscles at the top of every rep.

Here are three best exercise to lose belly fat with the exercise ball that will help jump start your losing belly fat:

1. Sit on the exercise ball with your legs spread at about shoulder width. Cross your arms over your chest and then do an abdominal crunch. Really squeeze your abs, as in really squeeze them. Do this for 25 reps and then you will really feel the burn in your muscles. At least 3 sets of 25 reps are recommended every time you train.

2. Lie with your back flat on the floor and place the exercise ball between your ankles. Raise the ball up and while raising contract your abs. Lower the ball and contract the abs again. Again, 3 sets of 25 reps are recommended.

3. And lastly, while remaining on the floor tuck the exercise ball underneath your knees. With your hands crossed at your chest try and lift your chin up towards your knees, when you reach the top squeeze your abs. And while maintaining the squeeze on your abs slowly lower yourself towards the floor. Do this for three sets of 25 reps too.

These are the three best exercise to lose belly fat. But remember that exercising is really not enough, you should also try and eat healthier if it’s hard for you to eat less. With a little discipline you will slowly inch your way towards the goal you’ve always wanted, to lose the spare tire on your waist.

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