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By - Philip Harman

The Secrets Behind Hair Vitamins And Hair Growth

The Secrets Behind Hair Vitamins And Hair Growth

Knowledge about hair Vitamins for healthy, faster hair growth is essential for anyone who wishes to have excellent hair quality. There is no denying the fact that everyone in this world wishes for a thick mane of healthy hair. Hair gives our personalities the much needed boost and makes us look attractive. Be it males or females, hair is an essential part of one’s grooming and personality.

No one wants premature greying of hair or rapid hair loss leading to baldness. But unfortunately, there are reasons beyond genetics that are responsible for loss of hair and the important factor is that with a little care such causes of hair loss and hair damage can be avoided completely.

Hair loss and bad hair may be inherited genetically, if your mother or father is bald or has a history of poor hair quality. However, in most of the cases, bad hair and excessive hair loss is caused by poor lifestyle choices and lack of proper hair vitamins. Today’s modern working class is under strain and subjected to a lot of professional stress. It has been scientifically proved that such intense stress over prolonged periods of time adversely affects hair.

Yet another cause behind the degeneration of hair quality and rapid loss of hair is overexposure to the sun. The sun is the major source of Vitamin D; however, prolonged exposure to the sun causes the hair to lose its natural lustre and makes it very dry. Dry hair is prone to breakage and may also develop other symptoms such as split ends and premature greying. Hair loss and hair damage is directly related to hectic lifestyle, poor diet and eating habits. It has been proven that people with hectic lifestyles, poor grooming habits, improper hair washing – hair coloring – chemical treatment routines have more damaged hair.


Hair growth vitamins and proteins make your hair healthy again and bring back the lustre. Dry and listless hair regains their original lustre through maintenance of proper lifestyle along with adequate vitamin and protein supplements. Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and protein supplements through food sources and medicines go a long way in keeping hair healthy and free from premature balding. Vitamins act as catalysts in our bodies that enhance reactions that control the processes of tissue synthesis and help in the protection of the plasma membrane of the cells.

Therefore one requires vitamins for hair fall out and one also needs vitamins for faster hair growth. Vitamin B Complex is a combination of eight vitamins such as Riboflavin, Thiamine, Pantothenic, Niacin, Biotin, cyanocobalamin, folic acid and piroxidine. All of these vitamins-particularly Pantothenic Acid and Biotin aid is hair growth. They are the vitamins for faster hair growth. Most of the hair care products marketed by premium brands comprise of vitamins and protein to help keep your hair healthy and protect it from any environmental damage.

Hair vitamins for thinning hair are also readily available as medications or hair care products that if chosen wisely in consultation with a dermatologist goes a long way in keeping the hair healthy and preventing hair loss.

About Author:

About Mark Sarzynski – Mark is a white collar professional who has been advocating a healthy lifestyle ever since he was twenty when he started experiencing excessive hair loss and learned what a difference hair vitamins and hair proteins (amino acids) made from a friend who learned about a scientific breakthrough of treating excessive hair loss from scientific medical research thru use of higher doses of hair vitamins, hair proteins and minerals not normally found in a typical modern diet.

All Natural Hair Vitamins for Healthy Faster hair growth can effectively improve your hair and take it from dull to fabulous and healthy. To learn more about Hair vitamins, please visit or the specified link.

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