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Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

Q&A: Where can I find vitamin B12 shots without prescription?

Question by frieste: Where can I find vitamin B12 shots without prescription?
I used to go to a clinic once a week for vitamin b12 shots. This clinic has since moved and I no longer have access to reliable b12 shots. I don’t want to attend 8 years of medical school to give myself shots and I don’t want to pay a doctor to do it either. Is this possible, finding the b12 without prescription and giving myself shots without a medical degree????

Best answer:

Answer by TeriR
Injectable B12 isn’t available without a prescription. However, doctors are becoming more open to patients giving their own injections at home. Check with your family doctor about this. Mine was fine with it once she watched me inject myself once in her office. She wrote me a prescription that was easily filled at my local pharmacy, and it’s very inexpensive. Good luck.

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