Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems

Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

Q&A: Where can I find gelatin free or kosher vitamins?

Question by Nunya: Where can I find gelatin free or kosher vitamins?
Im looking for vitamins that do not have gelatin in them. The vegan vitamins pricewise are bordering on ridiculous. Kosher vitamins would be ok. Ive already been to every drug store, kmart, wal mart, target and no luck. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by JustMe
I take and recommend all natural Vita-Lea. They have the best disintegration time (Howard University Pharmaceutical Dept.), outside clinical trials to prove absorption and effectiveness, balanced nutrients that work together, & highest standards for ingredient quality, purity, and efficacy.
They are kosher and, of course, have no gelatin.

Hope this is helpful and feel free to contact me with questions.

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