Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems

Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

Q&A: What’s the best kind of website to build for making money?

Question by thisthingsucks: What’s the best kind of website to build for making money?
I can’t seem to decide what kind of website I want to launch to try and earn residual income through advertisements. It seems like everything has been done, and I don’t have many interests myself. Anyone have any ideas? I really want to rake in some good dough by managing a website. Thanks.
Could anyone answer in the form of ‘not spam’?

Best answer:

Answer by Shang B
I chance upon the website below…seems quite interesting and informative.

The blog is basically monetised using google ads and clickbank links.

Most important…a good website must have quality content…not just advertisements…

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