Q&A: Multilevel marketing companies – have you been, or are you now, a representative?
Question by Jeff: Multilevel marketing companies – have you been, or are you now, a representative?
I, myself, do not wish to say anything for or against any particular company. But if you have been, or now are, a representative of Amway, Shaklee, Herbalife, or another company, please share your experiences. If you have not been a representative, please do not post a response here. I will post a separate question for those who have only been customers.
Best answer:
Answer by Bridget and Pilipo
I have actually been doing Amway Global for 2 years now and I just got over it a couple months ago. I wasn’t having any luck with them at all. A lot of it has to do with the economy being down. Almost every lead I had said No because they couldn’t afford it or their products are expensive or they got laid off and they don’t have the money to start. There is nothing wrong with Amway, it is just not for everybody. Their products are really good, but I couldn’t always afford it. I couldn’t even keep up with their website at $ 50 a month. I gave it up when I finally found a really good opportunity. In Amway, I been doing it for 2 years, and believe me, I’m a hustler and a good salesman, and only had 2 downlines. I found Melaleuca, The Wellness Company just a month and a half ago and I already enrolled 5 people.
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