Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems

Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

Q&A: In Delhi, which MLM Company should I choose to create residual income? Also answer why?

Question by Ur Frnd Jaspreet: In Delhi, which MLM Company should I choose to create residual income? Also answer why?
I strongly feel that MLM is a great way to create wealth. Personally I have spent alot of time with amway (2 years) but I was not able to built it to the level of security. Now am looking for various other options.

Looking for your guidance.


Best answer:

Answer by AutoDownlineBuilder
Go for reputable, legitimate, legally registered businesses.
Business opportunities are plenty out there that offer residual income.
Take note that unlike traditional business, you do not earn much from retailing.
You need to continually study, improve, improvise your marketing, recruiting, and training from time to time. The fundamentals are the same, just that you need to start part time and sustain yourselves.
Once foundation is laid, it gets easier.
The foundation is tough, not just financially, but mentally, spiritually.
You need to network with good leadership and with resources.
Lucrative opportunities are always the ground floor (pioneer) opportunities where there is less competition and new in the local and especially global market.

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