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Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

Q&A: How quickly did you start to see results with maxi hair vitamins?

Question by lvshoes89: How quickly did you start to see results with maxi hair vitamins?
I started taking maxi hair vitamins about 2 weeks ago and I don’t feel like I’m seeing a whole lot of difference. If you have used these vitamins before, please tell me when you started seeing results. I really want my hair to grow 6 more inches. How long do you think that will take? Also, do you you think hair formula 37 vitamins might work better for me?

Best answer:

Answer by Lemon
Not to burst your bubble, but vitamins only help with the hair you are GOING to grow while you take the vitamins. They are not going to help your existing hair because its already grown, there’s nothing you can do to it in the nutritional department if its already grown. So, you won’t actually see better hair for MONTHS, remember hair only grows about 1/2 inch a month. DO NOT TAKE MORE THAN THE RECOMMENDED DOSE. There is such thing as having too many nutrients and that can actually make you LOSE hair and ruin your liver. Just remember growing long healthy hair takes time and there are NO short cuts to real healthy hair.

…On the other hand there are short cuts for long pretty hair! Hair extensions! I suggest you not go real long, but if you get a nice bellow shoulder look, it’ll look great! I suggest you get real human hair and if you’re not sure what color to get, get a shade lighter and you can always dye over them. You can straighten them and curl them and everything!

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