Q&A: extra money?
Question by tigrisow: extra money?
anybody know of any ways to earn some extra money? i’m a stay-at-home mother looking to contribute to our finances…
i like to cross-stitch and do a very good job…does anyone here in the US buy that kind of stuff personally? or just the ones made and sold at stores? anyone outside of the US like personalized cross-stitch? i could take pictures of my work to show and can make it as personal as you like…i can make regular things for framing and hanging up, or to convert into magnets, picture frames and bookmarks…
i’ve put the word out that i’m willing to babysit, but so far, no responses…
Best answer:
Answer by Will
Can you become a Real Estate Agent?
Every once in a while I see news stories about a guy who makes his living picking up dog waste out of people’s yards. Unpleasant but I bet it is fairly lucrative and steady work.
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