Q&A: Does anyone know of a legitimate home business that is actually profitable?
Question by Rose girl: Does anyone know of a legitimate home business that is actually profitable?
I am a middle aged slightly handicapped lady that would like to work from my home and would like to hear from anyone that has found a legitimate home business.
Best answer:
Answer by Neeka C
I am an affiliate for a web hosting & design company. We’re geared towards getting local businesses websites so that they can expand their presence. Since more people are buying online, it gives them the opportunity to take advantage of that market.
I make about 5-8 sales per week. I cant give you exact commission but my average per week is about $ 400. On a bad week it could be $ 200.
This program is kinda make money online.
It doesn’t cost anything to sign up, and you don’t “have to” buy a product.
But if you work hard in your spear time, or make it full time, you can make some serious cash. Payments are made via Paypal.
It cant hurt to check it out.
The link is below.
buyu sphere. com
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