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By - Philip Harman

Q&A: Do b6 & b12 Vitamins have weight loss benefits?

Question by Hritz: Do b6 & b12 Vitamins have weight loss benefits?
Trying to steer away from the hydroxicut and other stuff out there, so I’m just wondering if the b6’s or b12’s help you lose weight, or if they simply help you NOT gain weight? If anyone knows, let me know please. Any other vitamins out there helpful?

Best answer:

Answer by zeldaslexicon
Vitamins do not help you lose weight, nor do they help you to not gain weight. A healthy diet should include all the vitamins you need. Unless you have a specific disease or condition that requires vitamin supplementation, vitamins are not required for anyone – it’s just a marketing ploy 🙂

That being said, if you want to take a multivitamin supplement, do so. Just don’t expect it to impact weight loss, because it won’t.

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