Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems

Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

Online Makeing Money Concept

Online Makeing Money Concept

Online makeing money concept

I don’t understand why people that have websites with affiliate markets give a user the option to post a  link to a website! When at the end of the day if the user hasn’t.

A) Posted over 200 posts.

B) Has been nice to other user responses.

C) Has helped the Admin- Owner of a website to promote someone ell’s products or even his own.

Well you get my point … Meaning that why is it when I find a site that allows  users  to redirecting other online users to other sites, users who have A) B) and C) criteriasa to post there link to there and as  middle men, and let a newbie with no criteria at all, have the privilege to add a URL to an online thread or comment and get banned for spamming?

Site owners that have a respectable site “good PR and LOADS of traffic” and don’t like to share (not that they are obligated to) I don’t understand why give an option to a newbie user the ability to post a comment or start a thread with a “add URL” or” INSERT URL “when there post will be either deleted or you as a user be banned from the site for spamming.


Promoting and letting others promote is one way of making a good thing better. When a consumer is looking to buy a product, one thing is for sure is that he will buy it sooner or later! The only thing is from whom will he be redirected to buy the product. There are billions of people online prompting, buying, selling or trading  there products to make an extra buck or two.Sites that promote other peoples products take up a lot of time and effort for online user to be able to take advantage of the lowest or best online bargain for them to save money ..Perfecting a site that will host other peoples products and promote them in a prim and proper way needs to be, user friendly and up to date 24/7, and believe you me taking care of a site is more then you can think of..

The fact of the thing is that users that are about to buy something which they have  been searching  online to buy,and  don’t go  through an affiliate site to get redirected to the product they where looking to buy, Will loose out on a , all because of site owners that allow you to post LINKS but don’t allow you to post LINKS to an online deal that will help you gain and help the user save money. gives everyone the opportunity to do just that, promote to and promote to .

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