Network Marketing Books Are Dumb. 2 Little-Known Secrets to 7 Figures
Network Marketing Books Are Dumb. 2 Little-Known Secrets to 7 Figures
Okay, so, are you looking at all the network marketing books out there? Are you trying to buy every single thing on Amazon that comes up after typing in ‘Network Marketing? Here is a piece of advice…
Stop it.
Sure, some of them get great reviews, but none of them are going to teach you the methods I’ve discovered since joining this industry. Most network marketing books are comprised of the same typical ‘old-school’ prospecting methods that you’re taught at your local MLM meeting.
Let’s get a few things straight first. If you’re being taught to prospect your family and friends , or even maybe call leads – you’re on a long road of frustration. Yes, its true that many people have built huge downlines in many MLM companies from these methods, but its very hard to duplicate. It involves a whole lot of rejection and wastage of your time.
Most of these people are considered to be ‘heavy hitters’, and the problem is that its very hard to duplicate. Know why? Because not everyone can be a pushy salesman. A lot of us are just not made to be like that. If you have years of sales and cold calling experience then MAYBE you have a chance of hitting it big in prospecting the ‘old-school’ way.
How about another idea? How about actually having a ‘system’ in place that does a lot of the talking and selling for you? Now, I’m not talking about some get rich scheme that doesn’t involve any work. I’m talking about a way to have automated systems work for YOU. How about a way for never even having to call a prospect if you don’t want to? You won’t find this in any of the network marketing books out there.
Alright, here are 2 ‘magical’ secrets to creating long term residual income and a downline that grows are a stupidly INSANE rate:
– Implement your offer on a webpage, rather than at some silly network marketing meeting. (NO, not a product website with boring company stats and product info) Create an offer on a webpage that offers direct benefit to the market you’re targeting. For example, if you’re targeting people who have never been exposed to a home business, create a webpage which offers all the solutions to their problems. What you want to implement is good ‘copy’, which is just persuasive writing. If you master this one skill you will surely become a millionaire. Its one of the most important things to create an automated ‘seller’ for yourself. So, instead of approaching people and selling your company and product, have the webpage do it instead. Yet another thing network marketing books won’t mention.
– Instead of calling up potential prospects, like most network marketing books promote, why not contact them automatically by email? Ever heard of an auto-responder? Its a software which creates a ‘list’ of people, and emails them automatically day in and day out, while you’re not even there! Of course, you can’t just spam your prospects with ‘buy my product now’ messages, but there are simple ‘formulas’ to having your leads convert into loyal customers. More on that soon..
There are the two principles to creating a 7-figure income from home without all the hassle most network marketing books promote. If you want the full story and details about how to make your downline grow and have you sponsoring like clockwork make sure you visit the link below.
Hassan Ajmal Is An Expert Internet Marketer Who Offers A Free 8-Day Internet Network Marketing Boot Camp To Anyone Trying To Achieve A Part-time/Full-Time Income From Home @
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