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By - Philip Harman

My Work At Home Mom

My Work At Home Mom

Work at home Moms, stay at home Moms and home business for Moms all have current contemporary meanings. These phrases are mostly associated with online jobs to earn money from home for Moms who want or need to stay at home.

These current work at home jobs and home based businesses are officered by successful work at home moms and others who see the need and have found solutions for those busy people who don’t have time to do their own research.

My mom was a work at home mom .Not by the current definitions of these phrases. I grew up in the in-between time. What I mean is in-between the time when wives and mothers could stay at home to raise their children and the time when they were forced to find work outside of the home in order for the family to survive.

My mom stayed at home and her invaluable priceless (and sometimes thankless) job was raising three kids and taking care of the house. At that time there weren’t many options for moms to earn money from home. They could do other people’s laundry or watch other people’s children.

I believe my Mom did a great job. She was there when me and my sisters left for school, she was there when we came home. We always had clean clothes, though not always the latest fashions. She always made sure we had hot nutritional meals to eat and a clean safe environment. She couldn’t contribute financially but she could work wonders with a small budget.


Besides the “domestic dutties” she took care of she was also a teacher/trainer, She taught me values and morals. I contribute who I am today to her. Any positive trats, qualities, and attributes I posses are a result of her teachings. My work at home mom taught me how to work at home. She taught me how to cook, wash and iron clothes, wash dished, clean my room, go shopping, and such. She must have done a good job because later in life younger people would comment positively about how amazing it was that I could do these things and take care of myself.

I love my work at home mom am grateful my mom was able to stay at home and raise me. We didn’t always have a lot but in those days the family was able to live on one income. Today it is virtually impossible. And if you are a single parent it’s even harder.

The contemporary definitions of the terms work at home mom, home based business for moms was created out of necessity. Fortunately today there are choices and options. The internet has brought a wave of work at home jobs and home based business opportunities.

Today it is possible to earn that needed second income or extra income at home on your terms. You can do surveys, typing, editorials, and use your experience to help others.

There are many different situations where a mom would stay at home. By choice, you are lucky in that you don’t need a second income. You had to leave career because the cost of child care was too much. You have never worked outside of home but now find yourself in need of more income. Maybe you are able to stay at home and now you children are all in school. You have some free time and want to make a contribution but you don’t want the stress of working outside the home. No matter what your situation there is a solution. There is an answer.

I would like to thank my work at home mom for the job she did. I would also like to thank all the mothers who work at home and outside for the sacrifices you make to make others life better. You know sometimes we men just don’t understand what you go through. But it don’t mean you are not appreciated.

Salute to all the working moms of the world.

Darwin N. Dennis
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