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Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

my business net income is $3K added by accountant says “accounting adjustment” what is that!? Now more TAX!

Question by Jen: my business net income is K added by accountant says “accounting adjustment” what is that!? Now more TAX!
Hi,I will have the first time Corp. TAX return for my own busienss, and new accountant is taking care of it. Today he said “your net income is XX” and this XX number is $ 3k over than the actual. I asked why, and he says “this is Accounting adjustment and can not explain each one”.
Is anyone know if this would happen & right? I just wanted ask right now at night…
Thanks for your advice.
Thanks,I am in export business(small busienss,of course!)I hired him to do my business tax. (outsource)I appreciate your advice and will try to find out what was wrong. He is CPA but not in specialize any specific field. Mostly retail & service, I think. In worst case I will apply for an extention…4/15 is coming soon!

Best answer:

Answer by rwerfelman
OK, let’s see here. An accountant is making an accounting adjustment and they can not or will not explain why they are. Sounds like to me your being taken advantage of. Keep in mind, your accountant works for you. Now I am curious to know what type of business you are in. Most small businesses really don’t need to hire an accountant in the first place. If you hired an accountant to do your business taxes that I can understand, however, they should be able to explain everything to you. You may even want to fire the accountant if they do not explain everything to you. Be forceful, remember you own the company, not the accountant.

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