money matters?
Question by capoeirista: money matters?
I owe so much on my credit cards and don’t have a lot of money coming in at this moment. How do I make some quick money fast? I have even thought about like working at a strip club just to make a quick $ 1000 to help pay off my cards. WHAT DO I DO? I don’t really know of anything i could sell, and I have a part time job but it doesnt pay that well or give me a lot of hours. (19yr full time student).
Best answer:
Answer by disneylandangel94
I recently made a blog on how teens and adults can earn money online using a really good site which is 100 percent legal and really works. (You Only have to be 13 to sign up!)
It has hundreds of cash offers and ways of making money, so it’s really a fantastic website!
Check out my blog here to get the link to the site:
Hope I helped =]
Good Luck!
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