Make Money Using FREE Blogs
Make Money Using FREE Blogs
Using free blogs to make money is and should be one of your 1st strategies as a new internet marketer. Even though you will one day want to move towards your own domains and paid hosting, you can definitely . Using free blogs is a great way to get your feet wet – and learn how blogging for money actually works- without risking much overhead- if any.
Personally, my first sales were made with totally free blogging and free traffic methods. I HAD to understand blogging BEFORE, I would even KNOW what to spend money on. The biggest difference, to me, between free blogging and paid domains and hosting, is the staying power of paid blogs.
Free blogs, can and do get ranked on search engines. They, however , dont usually get ranked as fast or as easy as a paid blog- with your own domain and paid hosting.
Here are some tips that you should know and consider when using free blogs to make money….
1. Use Multiple FREE Blogs
When using free blogs to make money, you must utilize all the different free blog platforms to give yourself the best chance at getting free traffic from the search engines. Now, when I made my mark in the internet marketing game, I definitely made use of two free blogging platforms the most- and I made sure that I pointed more links to them:
– It is, in my opinion, the best of ALL FREE BLOGS. It has shown that Google will rank a WordPress blog ahead of most others. BUT – you must be careful, search engines love WordPress because they do not look upon things like, affiliate links favorably. So if you pack ‘Clickbank’ and other affiliate links into your ‘WordPress’ blog, you might find your blog shut down after alot of hard work. BUT – there IS something you can do- simply use things like ‘‘ to cloak your affiliate links. This will protect you from getting shutdown.
– Now, blogspot is OWNED by Google- and that never hurts. And you will find plenty of blogspot blogs ranked in the search engine. The biggest difference between the ‘WordPress’ and ‘Blogspot’- is that ‘Blogspot’ allows unlimited affiliate links – whereas ‘WordPress’ does not.
Personally, I would make ‘WordPress’ my #1 blog for my keywords/product. But always create a ‘Blogspot’ blog with the same or a similar keyword. Then use all the other free blogging platforms and link them to these blogs. Use the same keyword in all your free blogging platforms – create links from INSIDE the content and link to your MAIN blog.
This will create alot of links- and give you MANY different chances for free traffic as well.
2. Utilize FREE Traffic – Articles, Press Releases and RSS Feeds
This is the same as using any other paid domains – you MUST use Articles and Press Releases to create traffic and links to your blogs. You will find that articles will not only provide you traffic- but the links can do ALOT for your SEO efforts.
Simply create an article for each of your main blogs pages- (which should be atleast 7-10 to begin with) – link to the home page and 1 other page within your blog. I would do this for your BEST 2 blogs – the results will be well worth the work And, to be honest, this is a MUST for using free blogs to make money.
After writing your articles and press releases – make sure that you submit your sites and articles to RSS Directories. This will double and even triple your links.
Joshua Mintz is dedicated to providing relevant, unbiased ,and up-to-date information for bloggers and internet marketing.