Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems

Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

If you successfully use Google Adsense, what is your blog/website about?

Question by Joel L: If you successfully use Google Adsense, what is your blog/website about?
I was considering starting a website and getting Google Adsense to get a residual income.

If you are currently using Google Adsense, what kind of website or blog do you have it on? Celebrity blog, make money online blog, adult blog, other website, etc.

How many hits a day do you get?

And if you dont mind, how much money do those hits translate into?

PLEASE, dont just post a link to a competitor to Google Adsense or just a link to your blog. Its OK to include these things but please answer the questions first. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Sean S
i’ve run quite a few websites with adsense on them, and it is all about traffic and how you get traffic in.

Things like Celeb blogs or porn blogs are highly competitive, so it is probably best to start with something that you know well.

and dont get your day job the first day to work FT on your blog. it can take a while to build up a blog.

before took ads off his site, he was making 100k plus a year off adsense. He would be considered an A list blogger

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