How to Make Quick Money and Keep it – The Best of Two Worlds
How to Make Quick Money and Keep it – The Best of Two Worlds
Do you feel that you are you going the route of the rags-to-riches-to-rags story? This is an exaggeration, admittedly. However, it seems that regardless of how often you heed the guides on how to make quick money, you still find yourself in the familiar territory of financial quicksand.
Maybe you know how to make quick money, but do not know how to keep it! Indeed, making quick money share similarities with spending money, quick. It feels like you have holes in your pockets such that as soon as you put in money in them, the money just slides down into the holes.
Here is how to make quick money, and actually keep and save it.
Ideas to Make Money
You can have a job, first and foremost. Or, make that “jobs.” Most jobs will provide you with regular income and employee benefits, plus an assurance that retirement benefits can be had in the future.
You can engage in a home business. You can either quit being an employee and instead become an employer, or be the one-man show of your fledging business. You can also engage in your home business while holding down your job. It all depends on your financial capability, risk tolerance, goals, and personality, among other factors.
You can capitalize on your passions and hobbies or on your talents and skills, and throw in capital and determination. Admittedly, having a home business might not be the best guide on how to make quick money per se, but it definitely can be a big-time money earner.
As to your home business, there are many opportunities over the Internet that you can take advantage of. There are data entry jobs, article writing projects, web design and development, blogging, and selling stuff online, to name a few business opportunities.
Ideas to Keep (And Save) Quick Money
Now that you have ideas how to make quick money, it is time for ideas on how to keep quick money. You need not fall into the vicious cycle of quick money in, quick money out at the click of your fingers (or more like, at the click of the mouse in these web-driven times).
First, change your psychological approach towards quick money. Always remember that your quick money is still your money, which means that squandering it will be fooling yourself. If the source for your quick money is a secondary job, then you can save this money as your primary job should cover your regular expenses. If it is your exclusive source of income, then saving is all the more necessary.
Second, be a diligent saver. As soon as you get your quick money, set aside a fixed percentage or a fixed amount as savings. Do not make an exception since you might make savings procrastination as recurring habit.
Third, stop using your estimated quick money as buffers for future expenses and debts. Unlike a regular job with regular wages, quick money from businesses can suffer from cyclical variations. If you use this quick money to guarantee debts, you might just find yourself in debt (and deep) trouble.
Fourth, follow all other advice on how to save money like never use your credit cards unless necessary, set savings goals within an attainable time frame, and stay within budget.
Ultimately, you decide how to make the most and the best out of religiously following guides on how to make quick money. Just remember, quick is as quick can.
The Internet is chockfull of ideas to make money, and even more ideas on how to make more money. But for the best ideas on how to make quick money, you should visit and get a free e-book on RETIREMENT ALTERNATIVES GUIDE!
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