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Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

How to catch up on politics and business news?

Question by ckim125: How to catch up on politics and business news?
I haven’t been really catching up with the economy and politics and business news in the past year or two and I really want to get into a good habit of reading the news daily or as often as I can. But it sometimes is really difficult reading articles off of business websites such as The Economist or BusinessWeek. Is there a website for simple business news but still capturing all the details? I am a freshman economics major and just felt this would be important / applicable to what I will be learning.


Best answer:

Answer by saharaaj
In this information explosions you can not keep update with every thing
you must be selective and select the media and subject
for brief views scan the news channels every hour

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