How does Vitamin B12 patches compare with injections?
Question by Chris: How does Vitamin B12 patches compare with injections?
I was diagnosed with vitamin b12 deficency. I will be taking b12 injections monthly for life because of malabsorption oral route
Best answer:
Answer by ash14sc
I have never tried the B12 patches, nor have I seen them myself, but from what I have studied about the injections, they are still considered by physicians to be the most efficient option. I also find from personal experience that it is much easier to get the shots done than to have a patch stuck somewhere on the body. Less chance of dermatitis too. But I guess it would depend on whether or not needles bother you. I was just diagnosed with a B12 deficiency as well, and will get the ongoing shots every month for life too. Good luck, and I hope that you find what works best with you. 🙂
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