How Do I Find Money That Was Left To Me In A Will?
Question by jessie: How Do I Find Money That Was Left To Me In A Will?
The money was left to me in a Will, when I was seven years old. It was left to me from my great Grandfather. Some how my Mother and Father have had access to my Money. I want to know how I can find out where it is, how much was left and how my Parents were able to get into it? They will not tell me anything about it. They built a House, bought very expensive things and everything. And I know for a fact that it was out of my money. What can I do to get my money from my parents. I am now 19 years old.
Best answer:
Answer by Steve D
You need to find out where the will was probated (most likely wherever your great grandfather died) and request to see the will (you will probably have to go to the probate office or court). The will should name an executor who’s job it is to oversee that your great grandfather’s wishes, as put forth in the will, are carried out. If the money left to you was in a trust, there should be a trustee named to oversee the trust and that trustee should have filed financial reports with the court as to the disposition of the money in the trust. If the trust is dry, you will have to get a lawyer and sue whoever the trustee was/is.
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