How can you make extra money in photography?
Question by Mark Sterg: How can you make extra money in photography?
I’m not a professional. I’m actually an accounting major and I want to buy a nice DSLR camera and I’m just curious how to make extra money if any doing this oh and how much can I make?
Obviously, I will learn to use it to the best of my ability before I try to make money from it lol.
Any tips would help!
Best answer:
Answer by Jim A
To be honest Mark, most working photographers, selling their photos and time, have been in the business a long time. They have years upon years of experience and perhaps even a degree to back them up.
To me it’s like watching the keyboard player at a concert. You can’t honestly believe that person started playing last night. He / she has spent their life at this. The same goes of a good photographer.
Picking up a little job here and there for friends is one thing. Convincing a potential client that you can deliver without all this experience and knowledge of the craft won’t work.
If you’re that interested in photographer I’d suggest some schooling, lots of learning and practice.
Learning to actually use a camera doesn’t come from a book, it comes from years of “street” experience, the kind of hit and miss experience that makes a good accountant.
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