How can I earn extra money at home?
Question by lauryola: How can I earn extra money at home?
I would like to stay home with my baby (due in Jan.), but I’m not sure my husband and I can quite make it without the help of my income….as low as it is. Once we figured out childcare, etc., staying home might be an option. But I would still need to earn money somehow…..Ideas please!
Best answer:
Answer by Lisa
I am trying to find the same thing. I just found out my unemployment ran out and I have three kids. Did not expect this to happen until October, but apparently I have nothing else available to draw from. I checked out the site that is listed in the answer above mine. it is all google adsense.
I have been trying several avenues of making money online. I will let you know if I run into anything, please do the same for me.
There are lots of great free resources, just be careful of scams. I have lost lots of money buying the latest and greatest get rich quick schemes. I am still learning and have not had much luck. It is a long learning process before you start seeing money, but I believe it can be done.
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