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Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

Healthy Weight Loss Exercises

Healthy Weight Loss Exercises

Are you a reluctant exerciser?  I am!  I don’t like exercise. I am the ultimate couch potato and I’m not afraid to say it.  Unfortunately, my lack of enthusiasm for the subject has left me with the biggest b…. you can imagine.  What I suggest is to interject some exercises into your normal routine.  For one thing you will tend to stick to it because you aren’t interrupting your valuable Reality TV schedule.  Here are some easy to do

People walk a lot more than they think.  Make a change and start parking your car farther away from work and walking to work.  This gives you a workout  without killing yourself or having to make a complete change. Walking is an effective and easy way to lose weight.

If you have the choice between the elevator or the stairs. Take the stairs. Going up and down stairs is really good exercise for your legs.

While you’re watching those housewives making fools of themselves you can do squats.  If you don’t know what these are let me give the instructions. Stand up with your legs about a foot or foot and half apart with your toes pointed outward.  Then lower your body as low as you can and come up. Do about 10 of these every day.


This is also a good exercise to do while watching TV. You start in a standing position and take a long step with your right leg while lowering your body. Then do the same with your left leg. Do about 5 of these on each leg.

This you can do at work or anywhere. Just do as it says a few times every day.

This is a fun thing to do at home. You don’t need any equipment. You don’t need a partner. All you need is a music player and your feet and you’re good to go.

This can be boring but if you are watching TV anyway, couldn’t hurt.

My son has a Wii game player and has this exercise program on it and it’s great.  They give you some attitude when they give you instructions sometimes. Don’t get mad, exercise!

This you can do anytime and it’s pretty cost effective as far as equipment goes and it’s fun!

These are some you can do  and still get in some good TV time!  If you’re interested in more help in getting rid of that b…. fat then you might like this program called Strip That Fat. It works with your couch potato schedule and increases healthy weight loss without interfering with your way of life. Would you like to find a healthy and fast weight loss that works?

An aspiring writer and relantless searcher of weight loss products and programs.

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