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Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

having my money stolen by little sister?

Question by justin: having my money stolen by little sister?
Hi im a 20 year old boy who is currently Living with a Friend from work and his family recently our house burnt down and we are Living in two hotel rooms i with their 13 year old daughter and them with their 9 year old son. ever since we got here my money has been disappearing and i know that it is their 13 year old daughter as well as they do but every time i confront her she denies it and starts screaming at the top of her lungs so i can keep the topic up or she disturbs everyone in the hotel how do i make this stop i’ve hidden the money ive put it in places she would never think of ive even slept with the money in a bag with me in the bed! but it still goes missing help me please we still have 6 months before the house is rebuilt and i have my own room please help

Best answer:

Answer by jdog
tell yur friend and his mom

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