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By - Philip Harman

Hair Growth: Nutritional Factors and Proper Vitamin Supplements

Hair Growth: Nutritional Factors and Proper Vitamin Supplements

Today’s world economy demands that people work longer hours and many times eat on the go. Because of today’s fast pace lifestyles many people are concerned that they may not be obtaining the proper daily nutrition that will support healthy bodies, healthy hair and hair growth. So many consumers follow FDA guidelines (RDA) for daily vitamin supplements to help offset possible nutritional deficiencies. Yet, the demands of a stressful society in today’s challenging economy with ever decreasing nutritional factors from commercial foods may suggest that current RDA guidelines are inadequate in providing the necessary nutritional needs for the maintenance of healthy hair and hair growth.

There is no argument about the need for the intake of vitamins (either from foods or supplements) for healthy bodies, healthy hair, and hair growth. Science has shown that sulfur-containing substances like MSM, L-Arginine, and L-Methionine combined with minerals and B-vitamins such as Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Biotin, Boron, and B3, B6, B12 vitamins are necessary nutritional factors that are essential to healthy hair and hair growth. In an attempt to cash in on consumer demands for vitamin products large retail chain-stores have provided a line of vitamin supplements based on standard FDA recommended daily nutritional intake levels.

Current research investigations on human nutritional factors indicate that significant vitamin concentration levels must be up taken in the body before a noticeable biological effect can be observed. With the exception of Vitamin A and E most commercial vitamin products sold by major retail chain-stores contain other nutritional factors at such low concentration levels that any biological effect expected is probably nonexistent.

Furthermore, other important product concerns should be noted when selecting the proper vitamin supplements for the support of healthy hair and hair growth. Unless you are aware of reputable vitamin producers and suppliers you’re probably getting vitamins that will not be effectively absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract when taken. When ingesting many commercial vitamin products very little of the nutritional factors are up-taken but are simply excreted as waste material. Taking vitamins will be of little value unless the vitamin formula contains a transport system for maximum vitamin absorption. Do not assume just because it is on the store shelf that it’s effective. Rule of thumb in the vitamin supplements market: YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. If you are not currently getting your vitamins supplements from establish health food stores and whole-food markets I would strongly advise that you should be skeptical of the quality of vitamin products that you are buying. Health food stores and whole-food markets are companies that were instrumental in making good quality vitamin products available to health conscious consumer’s years before mainstream retail markets became aware of the importance of vitamin supplements.

So don’t be fooled by large retail chain-stores that claim to have a quality line of vitamin products. Many retail chain-stores are selling off spec vitamins or cheap bottoms products from vitamin producers. When looking for vitamin supplements to support healthy hair growth do look around and ask questions. Look for vitamin producers and suppliers that offer products that have sufficient nutritional factor levels and have incorporated in their product formulas active absorption transport systems. Remember that natural-based formulas are preferred over synthetic ones. Based on our current understanding on human nutritional needs proper vitamin supplement intake will go a long way in improving not only healthy hair and but also hair growth.

MD Shahid is a senior research scientist with a MS in Physical Chemistry. Mr. Shahid has almost 30 years of career experience in oxygen-free radical reactions and antioxidant development. Mr. Shahid is a recipient of the NTAA “Scientist of the Year ” award, has authored or co-authored almost 50 U.S. patents, his work has been cited by Chemical Abstract, the worlds largest and most referenced chemical index provider on numerous occasions, and in the middle 90’s by personal invitation was ask to review scientific reliability of earlier HIV/AIDS hypothesis by a distinguished panel of cancer and virologist scientist. In the late 1990’s MD Shahid begin research in the area of the use of natural non-toxic substance for the prevent of hair loss and hair re-growth. It was during this research that MD Shahid discovered that certain plant, flower, and fruit extracts when combined with selected organic oils and amino acids was a effective combination that could be used to help control and manage eczema and psoriasis skin disorders. In 2004 MD Shahid founded the company Xcel Nutraceuticals that produces and manufactures all natural based and organic products for the control of eczema, psoriasis, and hair loss. For more information visit

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