Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems

Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

Free Home Business Leads Using Pixelpipe

Free Home Business Leads Using Pixelpipe

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Home business leads are vital when you are starting a network marketing business. If you are like a lot of small business owners you don’t have a lot of money for marketing, you will look for several ways to generate free leads for your business. A lot of network marketers don’t know about free strategies to get free leads using several free websites for there business I am going to tell you how you can get some free home business leads.

So Lets get into the website that I use that allows me to generate free leads this one of many website I use. The website I am talking about is Pixelpipe allows you to upload photos, video, and audio files once through the Pixelpipe Media Gateway and distribute your content across over 100+ social networks, photo/video sites, blogs, and other online services. Pixelpipe is free, so easy to use to get home business leads.


If you are reading this post on our blog there is a video that will show you how to get started with pixelpipe. If you are reading this from another website there will be a link to the original article and at the bottom of the article you can watch the video. Now that we got that all squared away lets gets started. Go create a free account to start generating some free home business leads.

After you have created you account you want to go into you account and click on add pipes which is on the left side also and start to create accounts in the different sites choose which ones you want or choose all this will take a little time. Once you are signed up you can go to my pipes to view all the sites you have signed up for to generate home business leads.

Now you are on your way to start adding your content you want to share. Go to quick post and adding a file you want to upload, a status/microblog or blog post. When you are uploading a file it can be a video, a pdf file whatever file you want to share. If you are doing a status/microblog it can be a quick message like a twitter message with a url for instance. Home business leads will come make sure you are consistent when you are posting on pixelpipe. Lastly, you can add a blog post and that’s it very easy takes less than 20 minutes, thats worth several leads right.

We hope you enjoyed this post as much as we enjoyed writing it. To learn another way you can get more free leads click on the link:


We are husband and wife network marketing  team. We lives in beautiful San Diego, California. We love showing network marketers how to use attraction marketing to get free leads for there mlm business.

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