Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems

Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

Excellent Tips for Lending Money

Excellent Tips for Lending Money

Indeed, you’ll become more efficient with each experience with a client. You’ll soon recognize which proposals to concentrate your attention on, and of course, which ones to scan briefly and hand back to a loan seeker. The more you deal with money professionals, too, the sharper you’ll become – and consequently, the more money you will make.

Money professionals know what types of loans are possible or likely from each of their different funding sources; thus, they’ll present only those having the best chances of success. You will quickly become well versed in the current lending and investment trends, and acquainted with the lending rates and requirements of your loan sources. As you review, assist and put together each of the request-for-money proposals, your knowledge will improve your ability to package specific requests, and to ‘sell’ a loan proposal. Just keep in mind that every time a loan is approved, or when one of your sources decides to invest in a client’s business, you’ll be taking a financial cut right off the top.

Right here I’d like to assure that you don’t have to be either a financial genius or a super sales person. All you really have to know is how to put together a proposal properly, and acquire a list of sources interested in lending money or investing in a venture to obtain a profit.

You’ll find that most of the borrowers you sign to assist in finding money for are unaware that they will have very little if anything to say about the terms of the loan that may be finally granted. You’ll find that most of them are already convinced that they have the ultimate idea for a business that will make everyone involved rich. Almost all of them are trying to get started with little or no money of their own, and they’ll think that whatever the prevailing interest rate, it’s too much.


Your first chore will be to screen these people. Explain the facts of life to them, and don’t waste your time with them if you have the feeling they’ll reject or refuse to accept a loan you line up for them because of interest rates. If they’ve been to most of the regular loan sources in your area, they’ll know that when they want or need money, it’s the lender who dictates the terms of the loan. A prospective borrower soon learns the prime rate that is published is almost never used. Actually, the prevailing prime rate plus two percent is generally a good rate of interest for most small businesses. In most cases, such loans have to be well secured with collateral not associated with the business.

Most of your would-be borrowers will not qualify for the prime plus two percent rate. Business experience, coupled with the type of business involved, will almost always put them in the “high risk” loan category. After you have your retainer fee, you have to educate your would-be borrowers in this regard. For those who cannot face the facts of life about interest rates, you have to just forget.

Something else you’ll have to convince your clients of: If he says he’ll give up a share of his business in exchange for the use of your investor’s money, he’ll have to give up a very large share. Most small business investment corporations or private investors will want at least 25 percent, and more often than not, up to 49 percent. In some cases, where a half million dollars or more is provided by the investor, he may (reasonably) ask for as much as 70 to 80 percent. Thus it’s absolutely essential that you learn to qualify your would-be borrower before you get too deeply involved or waste too much of your time.

For those who can’t or don’t want to pay your retainer fee – I say skip them. And those who can’t or don’t want to pay the high risk interest rates when you let them in on the real facts of life – forget them too. And those that have been turned down by practically every lending institution in the country, I would advise you – let some beginner gain practice on them. And these are the ones you need to learn to spot while you are a beginner.

Uchenna Ani-Okoye is an internet marketing advisor.

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