does my 7 month old need to take baby vitamins?
Question by Winchester: does my 7 month old need to take baby vitamins?
my doctor recently prescribed baby vitamins for my 7 month old at her 6 month check up. He said they were supposed to be to help her get teeth. However she is a very healthy baby and is gaining weight great for her age. Also she has been getting teeth fine on her own without the vitamins. I tried giving them to her and they make her terribly constipated. I was just wondering if all parents give there babies these vitamins or if it is ok to skip them.
Best answer:
Answer by jennalu
of course not -increase her intake of calcium rich foods (and the family’s too) will be perfect. a healthy balanced diet is more important than any supplement. avoid cow’s milk products & increase her intake of water and probiotics. have the dentist reassure you about her tooth growth.
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