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Consulting Business Wealth Enabler Consultant How To Internet Systems Since 1997

By - Philip Harman

Do you take some kind of a vitamin supplement, or not?

Question by Camellia: Do you take some kind of a vitamin supplement, or not?
If so, does it seem to make a difference in the way you feel or if you are tired in the middle of the day? What kind of supplement has been the best kind from your experience ? I take a natural multi vitamin/mineral pack from the company where my son works, he gets a discount. Also natural fruit/veg juice made in a juicer at home. I was just wondering what others do, because the processed and packaged foods aren’t all that great healthwise just by itself.

Best answer:

Answer by Jason
Multivitamins are worthless. You need to find which specific minerals you are deficient in and supplement those individually.

I take
Fish/flaxseed oil
Vitamin D
B Vitamin complex

That’s it.

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