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Clinical Laboratory investigation of Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome of fattening pigs in Kathmandu valley due to moldy swill feed

Clinical Laboratory investigation of Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome of fattening pigs in Kathmandu valley due to moldy swill feed

Clinical Laboratory investigation of Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome of fattening pigs in Kathmandu valley due to moldy swill feed.
Dr.Kedar Karki, Central Veterinary Laboratory Tripureswor Kathmandu

An abrupt mortality of pigs mostly age group of 3 to 4 month age in Kathmandu valley in month of April to June 2010 was reported .Clinical history as reported by owners’ revealed limited information sudden death of one or several pigs within three months. In all farm death was associated with Hotel restaurant waste left over feeding was common. Significantly more cases of HBS were seen during spring and early summer. Numerous yeasts and mould Penicillium   was detected in mucosal impression smears tissue of ileum, colon and caecum. Additional analyses in farms suffering from big losses due to HBS suggested that several environmental and management factors may be involved. Pathogenetically feeding only once a day of excessive amounts of a liquid diet especially swells a highly fermentable substrate, poor hygiene of liquid diets high bacterial counts and yeast concentrations. In mixed breeding and fattening units, the aforementioned factors could be responsible also for sudden deaths in dry sows caused by colonic bloat often associated with intestinal rupture and torsions of the stomach and/or the spleen. When rest of herds were treated with toxin binder Varishta and Albmd mixed  in same feed along with probiotic Lactoline and Chlortetra cycline in water for seven  there was check in mortality.

Swill feeding, pigs, Hemmorrhagic Bowel syndrome, Penicillium, Varishta, Lactoline,Albmd, Kathmandu.

An outbreak of disease affecting pigs raised in around Kathmandu valley mostly age group of 3 to 4 month of age in the month of April to June 2010 was reported. A total death of 346 pigs in herd of 1056 were reported. Pigs on affected styes were mostly fed with stale leftover from hotel ,restaurants mostly consisting of rice, meat, fish,vegetables,all cooked in heavey oils and left over deaserts.Pigs mostly age groups after consuming such (swills) Kitchen waste garbage started showing symptoms like diarrhorea, swaying gate movement   which were generally treated with antibiotics without recovery  were investigated.

Clinical history as reported by owners revealed limited information sudden death of one or several pigs within three months, association with Hotel restaurant waste left over feeding was common. The pig to die was in excellent condition but extremely pale. Its blood was thin and watery. Significantly more cases of HBS was seen during spring and early summer. An affected pig was typically one of the best-doing pigs, found dead without warning. The pig use to become bloated after death with unusual speed, and intestines filled with gas and blood wad observed at necropsy. The small intestine contained bile-stained mucus to the level of mid-ileum where hemorrhage began and became gradually more copious with large blood clots in the terminal ileum. The ileal mucosa was thickened and irregular due to corrugations involving the entire circumference and oriented in both transverse and longitudinal planes. The large intestine contained a great deal of clotted blood which appeared to have been passed from the ileum. The terminal jejunum and entire ileum had thick corrugated mucosae and large intraluminal blood clots. Cecum. colon and rectum contained dark, tarry blood which was similar to report of W. D. G. Yates, E. G. Clark, A. D. Osborne, C. C. Enweani, O. M. Radostits, and A. Theede.The condition has no definitive lesions, and the stomach can often be filled with feed was similar reported in…/HMBS_enteric.html,…/gigf.htm. Necropsy revealed that the entire intestinal tract has a severely congested, thin-walled appearance. Intestinal contents are usually watery and contain unclotted brownish blood. The condition must be differentiated from gastric ulcers, gastrointestinal torsion or volvulus, and from the hemorrhagic form of proliferative enteritis was similar to earlier reported in…/miscellaneous-lesions –


amples of Swills of different lots and post-mortem tissue samples in mycobioal culture media revealed the growth of penicillum spp, which was similar to the finding of similar to the findings of Karki

Based on clinical observation, history all the pigs in affected styes were treated with toxin binder Varishta mixed in swell, and Lactoline and Chlortetracycline antibiotic in feed for 7 to 15 days the condition subsided subsequently.

Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome  has been reported from the United Kingdom, United States, Taiwan, Australia and Europe. Reports from other countries indicate that cases occur elsewhere. The condition is well known to veterinary pathologists in Canada but has not been formally reported. The suggested causes for the unexplained hemorrhagic enteropathies seen in swine have been numerous. including hypersensitivitv reactions to Escherichia coli antigens or to whey proteins, clostridial or coliform enterotoxemias. mycotoxins. Vitamin E deficiency. mesenteric torsion, indigestion leading to gaseous distension and shock ,genetic predisposition and or clotting defects  and stress . In the specific case of Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome , however, the strongest correlation is found with the presence of the bacterium Campylobacter sputorum subspecies mu(cosalis in affected areas. There has been some success in reproducing the condition experimentally, using intragastric administration of this organism and homogenized intestinal mucosa from pigs with adenomatosis (W. D. G. Yates, E. G. Clark, A. D. Osborne, C. C. Enweani, O. M. Radostits, and A. Theede). Some call it the stealth bomber of swine disease. It strikes suddenly, without warning. It kills quickly, often taking the best pigs. And it frequently leaves the producer wondering what struck his herd–and why…/hemorrhagic-bowel-syndrome-is-39stealth-bomber39-of-swine-diseases. Hemorrhagic bowel syndrome (HBS) is an unpredictable medical condition of swine. Its major cause is unknown but is likely a combination of many things, including genetic predisposition, irregular diets or feeding schedules, and high summer temperatures. HBS most often occurs in finisher/market pigs over 160 lb, so the economic costs of HBS can be very high with even a few affected pigs even though mortality is usually around 2%. An affected pig is typically one of the best-doing pigs, found dead without warning. The hog may become bloated after death with unusual speed, and intestines filled with gas and blood may be observed at necropsy. The condition has no definitive lesions, and the stomach can often be filled with feed. Outbreaks may last 7 to 10 days, often coming in waves in which several pigs are affected and then the herd seems healthy until the next wave.…/HMBS_enteric.html.  Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome Pigs weigh >150 pounds  Similar to bloody form of proliferative ileitis. Stool may be dark, tar-like, or bloody. Severe bleeding into the intestine which may result in sudden death.  Blood filled loops of small intestine. Thinning of small intestinal wall with no proliferation of intestinal cells.…/gigf.htm.Haemorrhagic bowel syndrome (HBS) causes the sudden death of 4-6 month-old fattening pigs (70-120kg). Usually, there is no clinical or pathological previous history, and no warning signs that could alert the farmer. In most of the cases, the weight and health conditions of the affected animals are perfectly normal. As a result, the diagnosis of HBS is mainly done post-mortem. HBS can account for up to one-third of total fattening mortality.…/understanding-and-managing-sudden-death-in-fattening-pigs-during-summ.. Hemorrhagic bowel syndrome is such defined due to the low prevalence and inability to target one specific disease process or organism as the contributor to the syndrome.…/pig…/will-nutrition-and-management-stop-hemorrhagic-bowel-syndrome.

From all above finding and observation it is concluded that when ever there is climate changes from cooler season to hotter humid summer in tropics there is likely increase in fermentation in swell which mostly contains grains, heavy fat and protein in hotel and restaurant waste which is common practices to feed pigs. Further humid and hot weather condition favors the mold growth and putrification leading to formation of mycotoxin and endotoxin which detrimental to livestock, poultry and pig. If these feed are fed untreated there is likely loss of these animal need to be looked into.

 Häni H, Zimmermann W, Huber A, Schmidt J The “hemorrhagic bowel syndrome” of swine: clinical, pathologo-anatomic and etiopathogenic aspects.Institut für Tierpathologie, Universität Bern. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd. 1993;135(4):117-24.
Understanding and Managing Sudden Death in Fattening Pigs…/understanding-and-managing-sudden-death-in-fattening-pigs-during-summ…
 William L. Hollis, B.S., D.V.M., Carthage A Veterinarian’s Perspective Will Nutrition and Management Stop Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome? Veterinary Service, Ltd. Professional Swine Management, LLC, IL, USA and published in the Midwest Swine Nutrition Conference 2006.…/pig…/will-nutrition-and-management-stop-hemorrhagic-bowel-syndrome.
W. D. G. Yates, E. G. Clark, A. D. Osborne, C. C. Enweani, O. M. Radostits, and A. Theede Can Vet J. 1979 October; 20(10): 261–268.  PMCID: PMC1789606  Proliferative Hemorrhagic Enteropathy in Swine: An Outbreak and Review of the Literature: › Journal List › Can Vet J › v.20(10); Oct 1979
 Miscellaneous Lesions, Conditions, and Syndromes | Iowa State ……/miscellaneous-lesions –
Growing/Finishing Diarrheal…/gigf.htm
 Kedar Karki and Purnima Manandhar: ClinicalEpidemiologicalInvestigation of Mouldy Corn Poisoning due to Penicillium spp. in mules at Udayapur District, Nepal: Veterinary World   pp 107-110 vol. 1 no. 4 April 2oo8



We would like to thank Dr.Ram Krishna Khatiwada Program Director of Directorate of Animal Health Tripureswor Kathmandu for providining early indication of problem. Thanks are due to Mr. Bal Bahadur Kunwar Mr. Tek Bahadur Air Senior Vet. Technician and Mr.Bhimsen Adhikari Vet. Technician of Microbioly Unit, Mr. Purna Maharajan Vet Technician of Central Veterinary Laboratory for doing the microbiology and post-mortem works and office assistant Mr. Chandra Bahadur Rana for his tireless effort in handling the carcass during post-mortem work.




Dr.Kedar Karki.M.V.St. Preventive Veterinary Medicine CLSU Philippines Senior Veterinary Officer Central Veterinary Laboratory Tripureshwor Kathmandu Nepal

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